Home Page

Our Committee

Old Photos from the "good old days" at NeCaHi

Oldies, page 2

More photos

Memorial Page

Guest Book

Bahama Cruise, 2002

Class Get Together, 2003, Picnic, 2004

50th reunion photos

50th reunion class photo

class dinner 2010


Military Service

When Barry Met Sally

Do you know where they are?

55th Class Reunion, 2012

page two, Reunion, 2012


Remember this newspaper, called the NeCaHi Lites?

some interesting articles from the last issue before our graduation

(Double click on item to enlarge it)

the last issue

Perfect attendace for the last year

Paul Sanders wins

Senior Recognition Day

Senior Recognition Day

more sports

Gym Exhibition

Graduating Honor Roll

more Honor Roll

by Carole Stevenson

By Maurcie Moses

By Thalia Reynolds

check out the price of the annuals!

Jerry is honored

Elvi Ann Sacripant

Dave Alexander

last Football Game

point awards

class agenda